Parish Council Policies/Procedures/Guidance

To download & view our policy documents, select from the links below.

Annual Leave Policy

Appraisals Policy - June 2024

Asset Register and Disposal Policy - November 2023

Biodiversity Policy - June 2024

Business Continuity Policy - June 2024

CCTV Policy - September 2023

Code of Conduct - June 2024

Compassionate Leave Policy 2023

Complaints Policy - March 2024

Community Engagement Policy - February 2024

Co-Option Policy

Criminal Record Declaration Form

Data/Information Audit - October 2023

Dignity at Work Policy (covering Bullying and Harrassment)

Disciplinary Policy - February 2024

Dispensation Procedure - February 2024

Disposal Policy - May 2024

Email and Internet Policy - December 2023

Equality & Diversity Policy - September 2023

Expenses Policy

Financial Regulations - May 2024

Fire Safety Policy - June 2024, Fire Safety Arrangements and Fire Incident/Near Miss/Other Safety Hazard Reporting Form

Flexible Working Policy - September 2023

Flood Evacuation Plan 

Freedom of Information Act - Publication Scheme - September 2023

General Data Protection Regulations - General Privacy Notice - September 2023

General Data Protection Regulations - Privacy Notice for Staff Councillors and Role Holders - September 2023

GIfts & Hospitality Policy - October 2023

Grant Awarding Policy - February 2024

Grievance Policy - February 2024

Health and Safety Policy - September 2023

Hire of Kilham Hall Park/Meeting Rooms Policy - March 2024

Home Working Policy - December 2023

Induction Policy and Procedure

Internet Banking Policy - December 2023

Investment Policy - July 2024

IT Policy - July 2024

Litter Collection Policy

Litter Picking (Volunteers) Guidance

Lone Worker Policy - February 2024

Media Policy - February 2024

Meeting Attendance Policy - February 2024

Menopause Policy - September 2023

Me mbers Allowance Policy - October 2023

Member/Officer Relations Protocol - June 2024

Mobile Phone Policy - October 2023

Pay Policy Statement - March 2024

Pension Policy

Recording of Meetings - September 2023

Records Management Policy - September 2023

Recruitment and Selection Policy

Reserves Policy - November 2023

Risk Management Policy - March 2024

Safeguarding Policy - July 2024

Scheme of Delegation - March 2024

Security Incident Policy - July 2024

Sickness Absence Policy

Site Booking Form

Social Media Policy - June 2024

Standing Orders - May 2024

Subject Access Request Form (SARS)

Term of Use - March 2024

Training and Development Policy - March 2024

Tree Management Policy and Tree Inspection Report - January 2024

Volunteers Policy - September 2023

Website Accessibility Policy

Website Management Policy - December 2023

Whistleblowing Policy