Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 1 February 2012 at Kilham Hall commencing at 7.00 p.m.


PRESENT: Councillors G Warrender (Chair), J Worthington (Vice-Chairman), Y Butterworth,

  B Cheetham, B Fussey, M Sidebottom and N Williams


IN ATTENDANCE:   J A Staniforth (Clerk to the Council)



As no members of the public were in attendance no items were raised


1)         APOLOGIES

There were no apologies to consider as all members were in attendance.



A declaration of personal interest was received from Councillor B Fussey in respect of item 8 and Councillor Sidebottom declared a personal and prejudicial interest in any financial matter relating to item 14 and a personal interest in any other matter relating to the item.



No information had been received from the Safer Neighbourhood Team. The Clerk reported that a copy of the December 2011 report had been requested but no response had been received.



All Ward Councillors had submitted apologies and no response had been received regarding the request for funding for the cost of the disabled access to the pedestrian entrance to the recreation ground. Details of the provision of a skip on 24 March 2012 located on Valley Drive had been received.


That the Clerk seeks a response from the Ward Councillors regarding the request for funding from the flexible budget to create a pedestrian access gate to the recreation ground to meet disability needs.




That the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4 January 2012  be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman subject to the following correction ‘since the last register was updated’ to be replaced by ‘during the previous year’



a) Highway Matters – DMBC had confirmed that it was not possible to provide any interim measures to improve the road junction at the fork area of Whiphill Top Lane and Doncaster Road and that major improvements would be undertaken when funds became available. A letter had been sent to the owner of a property on Moor View to advise that tenants of the property were driving along the pavement and parking on the grass verge. Members reported that vehicles were continuing to drive along the pavement on Rural Crescent usually in the early evening and that paving slabs were now becoming dislodged. It was noted that the police had visited the area around the school on several mornings.  Letters had also been delivered to properties on Springwood Close requesting that the vegetation to the rear of the properties is maintained.  The Chair and Clerk had met with DMBC Officers attending a site meeting opposite Branton Farm Nursery and DMBC had agreed to provide knee rail fencing to deter residents from parking on the grass verge. Officers were still determining how this would be funded.

b) Kilham Hall – The builder had denoted that he would provide a supply of brackets for the guttering but these had not been received to date.

c) Recreation Ground – DMBC had undertaken the work to remove alternative hoops on the perimeter area as agreed at the previous meeting at a cost of £180.

d) Community – Councillor Woodcock had responded that the tree roots to the trees on Langton Gardens had been removed but left in situ so as not to create a safety hazard.  This was the situation outside of No 9 but there was still a tree outside number 4 that had been requested to be removed in order that at replacement tree could be planted.  The rubbish to the rear of the sub station on New Road had now been removed as had a number of tyres left on Gatewood Lane.

e) Planning – The Planning Officer had been notified regarding the mounds of soil in the grounds of Willow Farm but a specific response had not been sought.


a) That the Clerk contacts the Ward Councillors to seek a response in respect of the request for funding from the flexible budget in respect of adaptations to the pedestrian access gate at the recreation ground.

b) That a copy of any letter sent to the residents of properties on Moor View by DMBC is requested.

c) That the account for £180 for the removal of hoops to the perimeter fencing at the play area be queried as DMBC had installed the fencing originally.  

d) That DMBC is asked to remove the tree outside of No 4 Langton Gardens to allow for a replacement tree to be planted.

e) That the Planning Officer is asked to provide a response regarding the mounds of soil at Willow Farm as to whether the soil has been transported to the site or whether it has been removed from the land as part of the work in respect of the planning application and whether any timescale can be laid down for its removal.

f) That all other action and information is noted.



As no members of the public were in attendance no items were raised.



Councillor Fussey reported a high level of individual bookings for use of the hall and the account balance was in excess of £12k.  The Zumba and Pilates classes continued to be well attended and a further Pilate’s class may take place. The mother and toddler group had now attracted 10 children. Hire charges had been reviewed recently and it was felt that the website should state that details were available from the booking Clerk as this would alleviate the need for the site to be amended at each change. A request for the use of the recreation ground by the management committee was made for 5 June 2012 when an event with games and entertainment was being organised to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.  Children would receive a commemorative mug.  It was confirmed that the responsibility for the insurance rested with the Management Committee.

It was reported that the light on the Klargester unit was flashing and needed attention. The Clerk referred to the minutes of 2 February 2011and that the parish council had determined that the responsibility for the Klargester unit rested with the Management Committee and that the telephone number of a service company had been provided to members of the committee as free advice could be obtained.  The parish council had previously agreed to contribute one third of the cost of emptying the unit.


a) That hire of the recreation ground to the Management Committee on 5 June 2012 is agreed free of charge.

b) That the webmaster is asked to amend the website to reflect that details of hire charges for the hall can be obtained from the Booking Clerk.

c) That the parish council’s handyman is asked to inspect weekly the Changing Rooms building.

d) That all other information is received and noted.



a)         Quotation for Adaptations to the Front Access Gate to Enable Disabled Access

Consideration was given to a revised quotation from Need A Hand Ltd to provide an additional entrance gate suitable for wheelchair access between the vehicular access gate and existing pedestrian gate at a cost of £475. Discussion took place on the locking mechanism and the information that had been provided by DIAL. It was proposed that a slow release gate closure spring be used as this was more appropriate for any disabled users rather than any type of fastener or lock.

b)         Provision of Screening to Rear of Ball Wall

Two separate quotations from Need a Hand were considered and as both were in excess of £1,000 it was agreed that this was too costly and replacement of Hawthorn hedging would be more cost effective.

c)         Quotations for Re-Surfacing of Children’s Play Area

DMBC had provided three quotations for resurfacing the play area with a wet pour surface and a quotation had been received from Playgrounds UK who had provided a sample of a ‘Mighty Mulch’ material which was felt to be more hard wearing than wet pour but would require the existing surface to be removed where as it would be possible to overlay the current wet pour surface with new wet pour at around half the cost. Councillor Worthington drew to members’ attention the requirement to seek formal tenders as the cost of the work exceeded £2k as contained in the financial regulations.

d)       Quotation to Isolate the Water Supply to the Changing Rooms Building

The Clerk explained that neither of the two plumbing contractors had responded to the request to provide a quotation and therefore two other local contractors had been approached. Both had advised that the work was quite complex and that it was difficult to ascertain fully what was involved as the pipe work was behind the tiling. Both estimates were in excess of the £325 quoted by Need a Hand. Discussion took place as to whether the work was necessary as measures had been put in place to isolate the showers and a small amount of further lagging of pipes had been undertaken.

e)         Rotating of Grid at the Entrance to the Children’s Play Area

DMBC had rotated the grid free of charge but the Handyman reported that it had been welded in place therefore preventing removing debris. DMBC had cleaned out the grid and had agreed to undertake this periodically free of charge as it was felt welding the grid in place may prevent theft.

f)          Finalisation of Grounds Maintenance Contract

North Notts Landscapes had confirmed that the area of the recreation field was around 14000mand would cost £560 for fertilizing and £840 for weed and fertilizer treatment. Advice had also been received that the use of a slitter to invert ‘v’ slots into the ground would improve drainage at a cost of £175. The Clerk reported that a provisional contract had been arranged subject to a detailed costing being obtained. Veolia had quoted £825 for weeding and feeding.


a) That Need a Hand is contracted to provide an additional pedestrian gate with a soft closing release spring at a cost of £475 with an additional £10 for the closure mechanism.

b) That the cost of work to provide a mesh screen to the rear of the ball wall be deemed to expensive and a quotation be sought for the planting of ‘Hawthorn Quick’ in the area of the missing hedging and that the hedging is allowed to grow to a reasonable height to provide a suitable screen to the field.

c) That as the cost of resurfacing the play area is in excess of £2,000 sealed tenders are sought for resurfacing the play area with the ‘Mighty Mulch’ fabric as per the sample provided.

d) That Councillor Williams arranges for further advice from a plumber on the benefits of the provision of a separate stop cock in the Changing Rooms and that this is considered further at the next meeting.

e) That the response regarding the welding of the grid and the agreement by DMBC to clean out the gird periodically free of charge is noted and that the situation is monitored.

f) That Veolia Services Ltd is asked to undertake the weeding and feeding of the recreation ground in the spring and that an enquiry is made as to whether the slitting work can be undertaken at an equivalent cost to North Notts Landscapes Ltd.  That DMBC is contracted to undertake the hedge cutting if North Notts Landscape no longer wish to undertake this.



The Clerk reported that the only new planning application had been received at 4.30 p.m. today and it was not possible to print satisfactory plans from the website for the meeting. Details of the informal hearing relating to the planning appeal for Acres Ranch on 6 March 2012 were reported and decisions reached since the last meeting were circulated for information.  Members raised the unsightly appearance of the piece of land screened with blue fencing at the corner of Doncaster Road and Quarry Lane but it was believed this was subject to legal proceedings and would be resolved when these had been completed. The development of the large area of untended land adjacent to Greenacres on Doncaster Road was also raised.


a) That the Clerks ascertains if there is sufficient time for the new planning application to be considered at the next meeting and if not arrangements are made to circulate the plans to members and for the Clerk to collate comments for submission.

b) That the decisions reached and the details of the appeal hearing are duly noted.

c) That the Clerk writes to Fairclough Builders to enquire as to whether there is any intention to develop the land on Doncaster Road adjacent to Greenacres.



The following highway matters were raised.

  • A broken tree on Gatewood Lane that could affect the highway
  • Potholes at the junction of Gatewood Lane/ Whiphill Top Lane and the fork area of Whiphill Top Lane
  • A damaged grass verge on Milton Road due to a Royal Mail vehicle parking on the verge when collecting mail.
  • Damaged grass verges outside of properties on Chapel Lane due to vehicles parking


a) That the Clerk notifies the relevant departments of DMBC as appropriate.

b) That a letter is sent to the Royal Mail requesting vehicles not to park on the verge adjacent to the mail box when collecting mail and that a request is made to repair any damage caused.



Discussion took place on possible improvements to the event including the serving of refreshments from tables at the entrance to the kitchen area which would restrict access to the kitchen and the date for the event. It was proposed that a local organist provide the musical accompaniment.


a) That the date be either 10 or 12 December 2012

b) That Councillor Sidebottom arranges an order of events

c) That the Chair enquires of the local organist his willingness to provide the musical accompaniment

d) That further consideration is given to the finalisation of the events at a future meeting.



There were no general issues to report but there had been a request from the webmaster of a commercial site to upload information from the parish council site.


That permission is refused for the uploading of parish council information to a commercial website.



Councillor Sidebottom withdrew from the meeting whilst consideration of the timing and length of publication was undertaken.


That a newsletter is published (half a page if possible) in the next edition of the Branton and Auckley Arrow containing information on; the increase in parish precept, requests for residents to not allow dogs to foul public areas or to park on grass verges, continuing use of speed camera, appreciation to those attending the Christmas carol singing and details of the skip provided by DMBC.



Members considered a letter and briefing note received from DMBC dated 17 January 2012 outlining changes to Standards related provisions including the abolition of the Standards Board for England and the responsibilities of parish councils to promote high standards of conduct, adopt a Code of Conduct and Standing Orders relating to the withdrawal from meetings where there are pecuniary interests and to provide and publish a register of interests. It was noted that a new code of conduct was being drawn up for DMBC and that this would be provided as a template for adoption by local councils.


That the information is received and noted and that further consideration is given to the matter on receipt of further advice from DMBC.



Consideration was given to the third quarter bank reconciliation that had been circulated with the agenda denoting a balance of £36,913.14 with an expected year end balance in the region of £32k.


That the bank reconciliation be received and duly authorised by the council auditors.



Consideration was given to the schedule of bank payments for authorisation. 


That the following payments be duly authorised.



February salary/travel




1 x grass cut + 12 emptying of dog bins



Armthorpe Elmfield Band

Christmas Carol Singing




a)         PACT Meeting (Tickhill) – 12 January 2012

No one had attended but it was reported that a more local venue for a future meeting was being sought.

b)         PCJCC – 17 January 2012

DMBC Officers had attended to discuss Gypsy and Traveller sites and how measures were being enacted to prevent illegal sites being established.

c)         Airport Consultative Committee – 19 January 2012

All private funding was now in place for the FARRRs link road, a WHICH survey had awarded the airport 5*s and it was hoped that the Vulcan could be involved in the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The Clerk reported that correspondence had been received confirming the merging of the Noise Monitoring and Environment Sub- Committees and details of the parish council’s nominee to serve on the new sub committee requested.

d)         Neighbourhood Planning Workshop – 19 January 2012

Details of information obtained from the seminar had been circulated with the agenda and the Clerk reported that the seminar had been well presented by Planning Aid.


a) That the information is received and duly noted.

b) That Councillor Worthington continues as the representative for meetings relating to the airport until the next annual meeting.



Correspondence denoted on the agenda was considered and information relating to consultation event for the FARRRS link road was outlined. The latest electronic copy of the White Rose Update had been received and a hard copy would be included in the file for the next meeting. The request for information regarding a plane crash in 1944 was raised and members suggested that the Doncaster historian or the Library Service may be able to assist with the enquiry. Details of the route of the Olympic Torch were outlined and a second Neighbourhood Planning Workshop was taking place in Tickhill on Friday 9 March 2012 between 11.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. The Clerk confirmed that in accordance with the contract of employment a gratuity was payable in accordance with the agreed scheme.


That the items of correspondence be received and duly noted.




That the next meeting be held on Wednesday 7 March 2012 at 7.00 p.m. at Kilham Hall.