Newsletter December 2015
Christmas Carol Singing
This will take place on Wednesday 16 December 2015 at 6.30 p.m. at Kilham Hall, Kilham Lane, Branton DN3 3PF with musical accompaniment from a local organist and Branton St Wilfrid’s School Jubilate choir. Father Howard will also be in attendance. Festive refreshments provided by the local WI and soft drinks for children will be available at a small charge. There will also be a raffle, the proceeds of which will again be donated to the Harry Matthews Bowel Transplant Fund.
As in previous years arrangements have been made for festive lighting to be displayed on the Christmas tree on the corner of Glen Road and Doncaster Road.
Provision of a Zebra Crossing on Doncaster Road
DMBC conducted a further traffic survey on Thursday 15 October 2015 and the decision of the location of the crossing is awaited.
The parish council continues to press Doncaster Council for the zebra crossing to be provided as soon as possible for the safety of residents.
Relocation of the Parish Council Notice Board in Branton
Following the transfer of the Post Office service to the new Costcutter Store the parish council notice board has been re-sited to the wall between the Cost Cutter store and the Deli Badger. The co-operation of the proprietors of the Ava Court business units is greatly appreciated.
A message of appreciation has been sent to Barbara and Mike Fussey on their retirement from the Post Office for the valuable support given to the community.
Provision of a Wreath and Donation to the Royal British Legion
The parish council has again purchased a poppy wreath for the local school use and made a donation to the Royal British Legion to mark a year of remembrance
Dog Fouling
Members of the public have contacted the parish council regarding concerns over dog fouling around the parish and the associated health issues particularly to young people attending the village school. The matter has been discussed with DMBC who indicated that new stencils would be provided reminding dog walkers that fines can be issued if any fouling by dogs is not removed.
Parking on Valley Drive and Surrounding Areas
Residents of Valley Drive have recently contacted the parish council to express serious concerns regarding parents/carers either parking illegally or dangerously thereby jeopardising the safety of children when entering and leaving the school.
The parish council strongly supports residents and will be working with the appropriate authorities to seek to prosecute offenders.
It is intended to discuss the issue with the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner who has agreed to attend the January 2016 parish council meeting.
The parish council would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.